Jake Goldsborough

New Site, Who Dis?

My old blog was built on Ghost. While I liked it for the most part, I recently noticed that I had an old version of Ghost and needed to update.

Ghost is still pretty new so the update process is very manual. You basically need to check out the current version and replace the core files by hand.

While that in itself is not too bad, Ghost is built on node, required module updates, and needed an sqlite3 db. And I just don’t think that’s necessary for my needs. It’s actually quite the opposite. I want as little friction to blogging as possible. I’m already shit at it so fighting to even get it up and running is not ideal.

Say howdy to yet another blog site

I’ve recently fallen in with Rust so this blog is powered by a static site generator written in Rust called Cobalt.

It’s all I really need, and with my posts being markdown and layouts in HTML, it shouldn’t be too hard to move to another if needed. With Ghost, this isn’t as easy. And luckily, I only had a handful of posts on the old one so putting those back up shouldn’t be tough.

So please join me in my tales of Rust love and other general programming stuff, coffee roasting, woodworking, and more.